What You May (or may not) Know About a Warranty
We have had many questions recently, from our customers, regarding their warranties. Warranties are not always easily understood. Hopefully, this article will help clear some of the “fog” associated with a warranty.
Is my warranty transferrable?
This is probably the most misunderstood aspect of a home comfort system’s warranty. Here is some important information to remember when purchasing a new system or selling/buying a home:
- Not all manufacturers offer transferrable warranties. The original warranty remains with the equipment and the purchasing owner. If not transferrable, or not transferred, the warranty reverts to a basic limited warranty, which is a shorter term (i.e. 10 yr. original reverts to a 5 yr. limited).
- Some companies do, however, offer transferrable warranties either at the time of the equipment purchase or within a certain time frame when selling your home. For example, Trane offers two options for transferring a warranty. The option to transfer the warranty can be purchased by the homeowner at the time of install, or purchased within a certain time frame when selling the home. There is a small transfer fee of $59-$99.
- Very often, we receive phone calls from a new customer in need of a repair and they’ve been told by the previous homeowner that the AC is still under warranty. However, the original owner didn’t realize their warranty had no transferability at all or they failed to purchase the transfer option. Imagine how frustrating this would be for you, as the new homeowner, or for the person who purchased your home.
- It is always a good idea for homeowners who purchase or sell a home, to study the warranty paperwork to avoid any unwanted surprises. In many cases, we can help you determining if your system transferrable or has been transferred.
What is covered under my warranty?
We all know, when we purchase a new car, it comes with some type of guarantee or warranty. However, we also realize that the warranty does not cover every single aspect of the vehicle. There are always items that the warranty does not cover. This is also the case with a cooling/heating warranty. Some examples of items that are not covered under a manufacturer’s warranty include, but are not limited to:
- Air filters
- Refrigerant and refrigerant line sets
- Belts, wiring, fuses, breakers
- Items external of the unit, such as ductwork
- Condensation lines
- Shipping or freight charges
- Failures, defects or damage caused by an unlicensed contractor
- Acts of God, such as floods, lightning, wind, etc.
Can the warranty be voided?
Yes. Simple, innocent mistakes could void an entire warranty. Such mistakes include:
- Not registering the equipment within the manufacturer’s required amount of time. To help our customers avoid this problem, we register all the warranties for our customers so there will be no problems with their warranty.
- Hiring an uncertified, unlicensed contractor to install the unit or make repairs.
- Failing to schedule annual professional maintenance is probably the biggest mistake people make. Manufacturers may require proof that your equipment has been properly serviced and failure to provide this information could void the warranty.
Labor Warranty:
Labor warranties are the responsibility of the installing contractor, varying from 1-10 years. Accurate Air offers a five-year labor warranty on all our residential installations. In addition, our customers can purchase extended labor warranties. Again, for our customers’ convenience, we do all the paperwork for their extended labor warranty.
Lastly, overtime fees are not covered with a labor warranty.
Hopefully, this will help clear some confusion regarding warranties. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions you may have.