Winter HVAC Maintenance: Thermostat + Outdoor Unit

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on how to care for your HVAC system during the winter in a place like Tempe. While it’s true that winters don’t get as cold here as they do in most other places in the country, temperatures do still drop significantly, and ensuring your system is working properly throughout this season is important for both monetary and time reasons.
At Accurate Air, we’re proud to offer a huge range of heating services to our clients this time of year, including everything from basic maintenance and tune-ups to furnace repairs and replacements if needed. Here are some other basic tips we regularly offer clients on how to take care of their HVAC systems through the colder part of the year.
Thermostat Considerations
The thermostat is important throughout the year, and especially when outdoor temperatures are fluctuating. If you or a family member often keeps your home colder than normal, it might be time to replace your thermostat. There are devices available that can track personal habits and adjust accordingly, so if yours isn’t doing this anymore, consider an upgrade.
If you don’t already have one, upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat can be a great idea. Putting it on a timer is one of the easiest ways to ensure you keep your home at an optimal temperature, rather than having it climb or drop too low throughout the day while no one is home.
Covering Outdoor Unit
Some home or building owners prefer to cover their outdoor AC unit during the winter months. To accomplish this, you can either buy a custom cover or use tarps and other materials to shield the unit from snow, rain and wind. If you decide to go with the latter, make sure it’s done securely so that heavy snowfall throughout winter doesn’t cause any significant damage to your system – or worse.
These aren’t only for snowy locations, either. Many Tempe residents use covers to keep their outdoor units safe from dust, debris or other outdoor materials that can be kicked up into the unit throughout the year.
Professional Assistance
At the beginning of the winter season, we recommend having your HVAC system inspected by one of our professionals — this should be done again in spring. However, if any issues arise between visits, you can always give us a call. We’re happy to help with basic maintenance or repair needs that may come up during the colder months.
To learn more about basic cold weather HVAC maintenance in a place like Tempe or any other nearby location, or for information on any of our HVAC services to clients throughout the area, contact the team at Accurate Air today.